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Healthy eyebrows - top tips

Get those eyebrows looking great!

Author: Ashley Olson October 30 2010

beautiful eyebrow

Every woman has had a mishap when plucking their eyebrows. And this is unfortunate because eyebrows are one of the most important features of your face; they show emotion, frame your face, and even keep sweat out of your eyes!

Before tweezing your eyebrows, you should first check to see if your brows are too bushy to groom. Plucking isn't the best option if your brows are full and thick because they'll become very painful. Ideally you should only be plucking the stray hairs.

Of course, there are a lot more things you need to keep in mind when tweezing eyebrows so here are some more tips.

article continued

The best eyebrow-plucking tips

  1. The best time for tweezing is right after a shower because your skin is clean and pores are open, which minimizes the pain. If you don't have time to shower, you can hold a warm cloth on your brows for 5 minutes to soften the hair.
  2. Avoid applying any moisturizers before you start tweezing because this will keep the tweezers from being able to grip the hair properly.
  3. Use an eyebrow brush to comb the hair up using the natural shape of the brow as a guide. If the hair goes above the thickest part of your eyebrows, trim the ends off.
  4. Brush the hair to make sure all of the makeup and dead skin are removed.
  5. Stencil in the form that you want your brow to take with a white pencil. Keep in mind that your brow should go a little past the corner of each eye.
  6. Grab the hair as close to the root as possible, and pull it quickly in the direction of hair growth.
  7. Only tweeze one hair at a time!
  8. You should never remove hair from above your eyebrows because it takes the natural curve away.
  9. You need to stop and look at your progress often to make sure you're still on track. Patience is your friend while plucking!
  10. When you've finished with both eyebrows, use a cotton ball or pad and dab astringent onto your eyebrows and the surrounding skin to tighten the pores back up.
  11. If the astringent didn't sooth your skin enough, rub an ice cube over your brows to ease discomfort.
  12. Never pluck your eyebrows if you're in a hurry, or on the day of an important event like a wedding or prom! Also realize that after plucking, your eyebrows will become irritated, red, and may even swell a little.

One more thing to keep in mind is that over-plucking is an unhealthy habit, and can lead to ugly eyebrows and dead hair follicles. It isn't hard to get healthy-looking eyebrows, but once you've destroyed the hair follicles, there is almost no chance of the hair growing back!

About the Author

Ashley is a freelance writer from Ohio. She writes on hair styling, makeup, poker, fitness, and dieting.

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Posted on 19/11/10 16:31 by: Andy Bentez

Thanks for the tips, these are great. I find that plucking after a bath or shower is the best thing to do. It doesn't hurt so much and doesn't leave skin red.


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