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Facial rejuvenation acupuncture - an introduction

A guide to the increasingly popular acupuncture treatment

Author: Kymberly Kelly August 12 2007

woman receiving facial acupuncture

The Chinese are known for their flawless complexions. They have always known what Westerners are now coming to acknowledge: that beautiful skin must be addressed both externally and internally. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is based on the principles if Chinese Medicine. Historically, these treatments were used by the Emperor’s concubines in China to keep themselves youthful and radiant. Today, facial rejuvenation acupuncture is gaining a lot of popularity with those wanting to take years off their face, without the risks of more conventional treatments.

A facial rejuvenation acupuncture series addresses all aspects of the individual’s health and beauty. On the surface, it improves facial tone by stimulating the muscles of the face and reestablishing firmness. This can improve the look of a sagging jaw line, double chin, naso-labial fold, drooping eyelids and can redefine cheekbones. Acupuncture also stimulates circulation in the face, improving facial color, under eye bags or circles, and a flushed face. By stimulating collagen production, individual lines and wrinkles can be diminished. Acupuncture affects the endocrine system and balances hormones. Balancing hormones can improve problems pertaining to the skin such as acne, oily skin, and dry skin.

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture includes a whole body treatment. The aim of the series is not only to resolve problems at the surface, but also to address the internal imbalance that is causing the problem in the first place. For example, in Chinese Medicine, a lack of tone in facial muscles is due to a weakness in the internal organ system relating to the spleen. Therefore, in addition to stimulating the facial muscles themselves, the practitioner will also strengthen the system at its root, so that sagging is less likely to recur. This whole body approach to rejuvenation provides lasting results and many report that they not only start looking better, but also feel better, sleep better, have improved digestion and are relieved of aches and pains.

article continued

A facial rejuvenation series consists of 12 weekly or bi-weekly treatments. During the first few sessions, one will begin to see a brightening of the complexion. By about the 6th or 7th session an improvement in facial tone and diminishing of lines becomes more apparent. The results are not as dramatic as a surgical facelift. Rather, the changes are gradual over the course of several weeks. By the end of a series, the face is lifted and bright, wrinkles are diminished, and facial tone and color are markedly improved. Results like these were confirmed by a study published in the Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in which 300 individuals completed a full facial acupuncture series. 90% of the participants concluded with noticeable improvements in their skin. Monthly maintenance sessions are recommended to keep results lasting for years.

Those with conditions such as high blood pressure, bleeding disorders and pregnancy are are not ideal candidates for facial rejuvenation acupuncture. A practitioner will pre-screen all potential patients to make sure they are good candidates for the series.

About the Author

Kymberly Kelly M.S., L.Ac is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist practising in New York City, where she specializes in treating women's health issues.

Kymberly's homepage: New York Acupuncturist

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Posted on 27/07/08 04:37 by: Plastic Surgery Vermont

It improves facial tone by stimulating the muscles of the face and re-establishing firmness.
Posted on 22/01/09 16:41 by: Tips on using bra accesso

A practitioner will pre-screen all potential patients to make sure they are good candidates for the series.

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