

dieting figure with measuring tape

Eating plan - yes, diet - no!

A long term approach to food will give the best results

woman weighing herself

Diet plan review - achieving your weight loss goal

Some popular diet plans compared

artificial sweetener packets

Understanding sugar-free sweeteners

From saccharin to sucralose, what's the difference?

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A radical new diet method - common sense!

Losing weight doesn't seem so hard after all

Asian woman eating

Diet tips from Japan

Eating advice from the East

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Eat less, live longer?

Calorie restriction regimes - the science behind the claims

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Beating hayfever with supplements

Some nutritional ideas to beat the seasonal sneezing

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How to maintain a healthy weight

Useful tips and snippets to keep your weight under control

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Handy weight loss tips

Seven things you should do to keep the weight off!

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Fighting middle-age spread

What your waist and your BMI tell you about your health

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