

Hair styles, hair trends, hair care tips

woman straightening hair with a flat iron

Hair straightening - a guide to flat irons

Flatten those waves for the look you want

woman with hair rollers

Hair curling - a guide

Your hair curling options from bobby pins to hair rollers

Woman on beach with summer hair look

Extend your summer look through winter

Look hot and sexy when it's cold and dark

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Vitamin supplements - your secret beauty product

How extra vitamins can make for beautiful skin and hair

Wen cleansing conditioners

Cleaning hair without shampoo

What to do when shampoo does more harm than good

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What to do about hair loss

Hair today, gone tomorrow?

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Dealing with eyebrow hair loss

What causes brow loss and what you can do about it

John Frieda Precision Foam Colour

Foam hair colors - do they work?

Find out if foam hair colors are worth the extra money

Clairol Nice N Easy Foam Color

Review: Nice 'N Easy Foam Color

Color your hair without all the mess

woman receiving jojoba oil hair treatment

New trends in hair care products

Products and ingredients to avoid - and embrace

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