

pot of face cream and calendula flower

Anti-aging skin care products - a guide

When to start and what they're made of

woman applying eye cream

Dealing with problem areas around the eyes

Creams for eye puffiness, wrinkles, fine lines and the rest

variety of fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables - nature's beauty products

From canteloupe skin cream to bananas for your hair

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Making the most of your eye color

Make-up and fashion tips to make your eyes sparkle

Dove's Intense Damage Therapy shampoo

Review: Dove Intense Damage Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner

A hair treatment that helps your damaged hair recover

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Skin care for women in their 40s

Your forties are a critical time for your skin

woman applying sunblock on the beach

Protect your skin against melanoma

Melanoma: the deadliest form of skin cancer, but preventable

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Moisturizers – what are they made of?

The ingredients of moisturizers and what they do

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Summer hair - keep it looking good on the beach

Products and tips to product your hair in that summer sun

woman checking for cellulite

Ten beauty tips using common household items

Use coffee for cellulite, tomato juice for your hair!

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