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Newest trends in facelifts

Facelifts are getting cheaper and quicker

Author: Charlotte Kuchinsky November 6 2011

mini facelift before and after

There are more options available today to ward away the premature signs of aging in a woman's face. There are skin care products, microdermabrasion techniques, oxygen masks and a variety of other things that can help a woman retain her beauty. When all else fails, the final line of defense is the facelift, and today's procedures aren't the same as those of yesteryear. Let's take a look at some of the newest options.

The Mini Facelift

This relatively new technique is similar to the standard face lift, but if can be done quickly, and is far less invasive in nature. A mini lift focuses in on a specific area of the face such as the nose, the lines around the mouth or the neck. Either endoscopic or a non-endoscopic techniques can be used, depending on the severity of the situation and the individual.

Endoscopic techniques allow the doctor to use instruments inserted through a few tiny incisions made in the area being treated, lifting and repositioning muscle and tissue to achieve the desired look, while also removing excess tissue if required. Non-endoscopic techniques may require a few additional incisions because the skin is peeled back around the area being treated to afford greater access.

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Once either procedure is complete, the skin is sutured back together, leaving behind barely noticeable scars. Either way, it involves little cutting, which means less scarring and fewer chances of related problems like infection.

The mini facelift is for women experiencing the first signs of aging and who want to reverse it without the change being obvious. It is recommended for women in the their late 30's to early 50's who aren't looking for a total overhaul. A mini facelift takes between two and three hours on average from start to finish.

Recovery time is about half or less than that of a standard face lift, leading to the nickname "the weekend facelift". The cost, however, can vary greatly because of several factors, including the doctor's expertise, clinical charges, type and cost of anesthesia used and whether it requires inpatient care.

The Standard Facelift

This type of lift is for women who want to enhance the overall look of the face. They may want work done on two or more areas at the same time, and this type of facelift is therefore much more invasive. The procedure takes as much as six to eight hours and is generally reserved for women aged 40 and over.

In this type of procedure multiple incisions are made around the ears, hairline and/or neck. Just how many incisions are made depends on the type of technique the surgeon is using, the amount of work to be done and where the work is located.

The surgeon will then peel back the skin to uncover the work area. S/he will then remove excess tissue and skin and reposition muscle and tissue on a much wider scale. Once finished, the skin is stretched back into place and sutured. The procedure will require more stitches than a mini lift.

Because the procedure is much more invasive, there will likely be a great deal of bruising and swelling. That, in turn, will result in discomfort or even severe pain for the patient. The threat of infection is also more prevalent, which may mean at least some hospitalization before being released to outpatient care. Healing can take weeks or even months.

The cost of a standard facelifts will also vary depending upon the surgeon's expertise, hospitalization costs, the amount and type of anesthetic used, antibiotic and pain medication requirements and other factors. It can range between around $20,000 and $50,000 on average.

The Liquid Facelift

The newest type of lift uses injectible fillers and Botox to reduce creases, folds, lines and wrinkles. It is meant to restore the natural contours of the face to give the look of a natural lift - the patient should look rejuvenated and rested, but not completely remade. It is quickly becoming one of the most popular types of facelifts today.

In this procedure, a trained physician injects the fillers and/or Botox into the areas of the face requiring a lift. It is non-invasive, which appeals to women from age 30 and up. Because the fillers used are made to work on specific areas of the face being treated, the look is very natural. However, since several different fillers may be required to get the desired look, and not all of them are necessarily compatible, it may require more than one sitting to complete the lift.

Side effects are also possible with these types of advanced dermal fillers. They can include, but are not limited to, bruising, redness, swelling and tenderness.

Liquid facelifts are the most economical and recovery time is minimal, and cost is also much lower since surgery isn't required. However, the price will vary depending upon the type of dermal fillers used. The cost can be as low as $1,000 and go up from there.

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