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Ten beauty products you can make at home
More budget-beating home-made beauty ideas

With economic down turns happening all over the world, women everywhere are looking for ways to conserve money, and this often means abandoning many of those products that are considered luxuries. The good news is that most of us already have items at home that we can use to replace them, and here are a few of my favorite ideas.
Tip #1 - egg yolk acne treatment
Replace that expensive acne treatment will simple egg yolk. Separate the yolk from the white part of the egg, saving the white for another beauty treatment. Whip up the yolk until it is light and fluffy. Then use a cotton ball or make-up sponge to apply the mixture anywhere on the body where acne exists. Allow the treatment to dry thoroughly and then rinse it away with cool water.
Tip #2 - egg white skin moisturizer
Whip up the egg white left over from the tip #1 until it is stiff like meringue. Add a drop or two of olive oil, vitamin E or glycerin, but no more than that, or the mixture will get watery. Apply the mixture with a cotton ball or make-up sponge. Let it sit on the skin for between 15 and 30 minutes. Rinse with cool water to discover deliciously moisturized skin once again.
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Tip #3 - egg & lemon dandruff shampoo
If you cannot afford expensive dandruff shampoos, don't worry. Eggs can help in that department too. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in with one egg. Beat the mixture until it becomes frothy. Pour the mixture into a squeeze bottle and then apply it to the hair all over the head. Work it through thoroughly with your fingers or a large tooth comb. Cover hair with a plastic shower cap and wait between 15 and 45 minutes. Shampoo, condition and rinse for flake free hair.
Tip #4 - vinegar for dieting
If you want to lose a few pounds but can no longer afford expensive diet pills, try this home remedy instead. Pour a few drops of apple vinegar over foods like vegetables or salads or better still, mix a teaspoon into your water. Vinegar helps to abate hunger. You will eat less and before long find that you have dropped a few pounds without starving yourself along the way.
Tip #5 - vinegar for digestion
Are you having trouble digesting your food? Vinegar can help with that as well. Just take a tablespoon for bedtime and enjoy a peaceful night's sleep without those painful indigestion pangs.
Tip #6 - vinegar head-lice shampoo
If your child comes home from school with a case of head lice, you might think that expensive lice removing shampoos are called for, whether you can afford them or not. The good news is that you have a natural lice treatment right in your kitchen cabinet. Just pour straight vinegar over the areas of the head where the lice are the worst. Let it sit for a few minutes and then use a lice comb to remove them.
Tip #7 - natural hair dyes
If you want to brighten up your dulling red hair but can't afford expensive hair dyes that's okay. You probably have one of two products in your kitchen that can do the job just as well. Both beet and cranberry juice can be used as a hair brightner on red or auburn locks. All you have to do is shampoo as usual and then pour the juice over the hair several times. Let it sit in place for between 10 and 30 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Tip #8 - tea-bag skin tighteners
Do you wish you could afford those expensive skin tightners on the market today? You have something in your kitchen pantry that will work just as well. Never throw away old tea bags. At bath time, just drop them into your water. They will work magic, with the ingredients of polyphenol and tannin tightening up the skin while also improving blood circulation.
Tip #9 - champagne hair volumizer
Never throw away the champagne you didn't finish drinking - use it as a hair volumizing treatment. Mix equal parts of water and champagne together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, spray on your homemade mixture. Then style the hair as usual. The powerful antioxidants in the grapes work to repair damaged hair, making it look and feel thicker with each successive treatment.
Tip #10 - natural ink stain remover
If you have ever gotten ink in a piece of clothing, you probably just gave up and threw it away. But, when money is tight, that sort of thing isn't acceptable. Instead try using vegetable shortening to remove those pesky ink stains. Just rub the shortening in using a circular motion until the ink begins to bleed out through the back of the fabric. Then get rid of the greasy residue with a degreasing detergent to make the article of clothing as good as new once again.
Stay tuned for future kitchen ideas to help you pinch pennies without losing any of the products that you love.
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Posted on 06/08/10 21:55 by: debraWonderful tips, thank you!
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