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Articles on all aspects of beauty: beauty treatments, beauty care, beauty product reviews; related areas: health, fitness and fashion; and a salon directory of beauty salons in the UK.

three people spinning in the gym

Reading makes you fat

How to burn more fat during your cardio workout

woman with hair rollers

Hair curling - a guide

Your hair curling options from bobby pins to hair rollers

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woman worried about wrinkles

Facial taping for wrinkles

A new beauty trend to fight the signs of age

woman putting on sun cream

The joys of sun exposure

Sun is essential to fight Vitamin D deficiency

woman straightening hair with a flat iron

Hair straightening - a guide to flat irons

Flatten those waves for the look you want

Daisy Duke in denim shorts

Jean lengths - the short and the long of it

From denim shorts to crop pants, gauchos and full-length

Woman on beach with summer hair look

Extend your summer look through winter

Look hot and sexy when it's cold and dark

Eat less, live longer?

Calorie restriction regimes - the science behind the claims

Review: Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Double Face Perfector

A fantastic undereye concealer and highlighter in one

Passing your daughter beauty secrets

What to teach her and when

Acne products - how do they work?

A quick survey of acne treatments

Makeup for mature women

Products and principles to make older skin look great


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Editor's choice

The latest trends in cosmetics

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A clipped history of the wig

A lightning tour of wigs through the ages

Buying wedding pearl jewelry

How to buy perfect pearls for your walk down the wedding aisle

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Stress - the mind-body connection

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Review: InStyler Rotating Hot Iron Hair Straightener

A combination curling and flat iron that promises much

Great looking nails - an easy step by step guide

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